- American Vampire, vol. 1 by Scott Snyder, Stephen King, & Rafael Albuquerque.
Despite all the comics with his name on them, this is the only one that Stephen King is actually involved in (as far as I know). (Borrowed from Teena.) - John Constantine: Hellblazer - All His Engines by Mike Carey & Leonardo Manco. I finally got around to getting a copy of this. Carey's run on Hellblazer was great, as is this graphic novel.
- Iron Man: Deadly Solutions by Kurt Busiek & Sean Chen. I am sure Marvel put this out to capitalize on the movies. It's okay but nothing special. (Checked out of the library.)
- Farscape, vol. 1: The Beginning of the End of the Beginning by Rockne S. O'Bannon, Keith R.A. DeCandido, & Tommy Patterson. This certainly captures the feel of the show. Scarcely surprising, since the story is by the show's creator.
- Blacksad by Juan Diaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido.
Absolutely gorgeous art illustrating these noir-ish stories about a private detective. Like Usagi Yojimbo, this tells serious stories using "funny" animals. I hope more stories are coming. (Library.)
I haven't done movies since the Lovecraft Festival. But there's still not much:
- Ghost Rider
- Dexter: The Third Season
I never thought I'd enjoy a show about a serial killer as much as I enjoy this.
- RiffTrax: House on Haunted Hill
This was RiffTrax "Live"*. Many of the same jokes as the DVD release, but plenty of new ones. Plus a couple of new shorts. Very funny.
- Doctor Who: Battlefield
I really liked the character bits, but I can't say the story itself really worked for me. (Not that it's any more ridiculous than other Doctor Who stories.)
*So many live events aren't really live when you live on the west coast.