- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
Teena recommended this to me when she read it, but I kept putting it off. Then I realized the movie was coming soon, so I started it. My reading was interrupted by having my appendix removed, but I got back to it and finished it this week. I enjoyed this and am looking forward to seeing the movie soon. (Borrowed from Teena.) - Irredeemable, vol. 8 by Mark Waid, Peter Krause, et al.
Still enjoying this series. But I am glad that Waid has a finish-point in mind. This is a story that should definitely come to an end and not drag on forever. (Checked out of the library.) - Fear Itself by Matt Fraction & Stuart Immonen.
The latest Marvel cross-over. Okay, as these things go. (Library.) - Secret Avengers: Fear Itself by Nick Spencer, Scot Eaton, et al.
Tie-in to the latest Marvel cross-over. (Library.) - Sweet Tooth, vol. 4: Endangered Species by Jeff Lemire.
This series just keeps getting better.
And now: several weeks' worth of movies and the like
- Attack the Block
Great British science fiction movie. The accents are occasionally hard to make out, and the protagonists start out unsympathetic, but it really comes together. I really liked this an heartily recommend it.
- The Venture Bros.: Season One
Watched this while recuperating. The episode that starts with an extensive quote from "Space Oddity" is the one that moved this series into one of my favorites.
And that's it. A medical emergency kind of preempted most of our movie plans.